That is why at NOVA we are committed each day to providing “Hope, Help & Opportunity” to individual Career Seekers & Employers.
H2O is what we call it at NOVA:
HOPE- individuals needing to enter or re-enter the Workforce with a Skill, Career and Living Wage Job.
HELP- to receive the Education, Skills and Training necessary for a new Career Pathway.
OPPORTUNITY- opening Employer doors of opportunity to secure Living Wage employment.
Our Goal at NOVA is to provide H2O to each individual who comes through our doors and for Employers that we assist in providing a work-ready workforce.
As we continue to grow and expand to the demands and needs of workforce skills, there is a new generation of skilled workers, coupled with economic and educational challenges that will meet these demands. NOVA will continue to strive in helping one person at a time, one employer at a time by working with our Workforce and Educational / Training Partners.
Thank You Northeast Louisiana! With your continued Help, Prayers and Support, we hope to silence those alarms and to make them into success stories that are music to our ears and in turn create a work-ready workforce that will help “Grow the Economy of Northeast Louisiana by Strengthening our Workforce”.
Remaining Thankful, Grateful, and Hopeful!
Paul E. West
Executive Director
NOVA Workforce Institute of Northeast Louisiana